"If you don't live by the praises of men you
won't die by their criticisms.”
I’ve been
on a self-improvement quest recently, both inside and out. I’ve spent
considerable time analysing the issue of self-esteem. What builds and
sustains self-worth? Why is it important for a healthy and fulfilling
I don’t
think many people question its importance. It’s evident how a lack of
self-confidence causes people misery, leads them to make bad choices, and to
place unnecessary limitations on themselves. My partner of 13
years suffers from low self-esteem and I have observed his pathetic,
desperate attempts to fill that void with frustration and pity.
currently ride a green horse who lacks confidence. He naturally
gravitates to the person or other horse who radiates confidence and makes him
feel secure. With people, sometimes bravado will cover for a lack of
deep-seated confidence but you can’t fool a horse. He will only
trust me if I trust myself.
Like most
worthwhile things in life, self-confidence has to be earned. In the U.S.,
we value self-esteem so highly that children are raised in an environment where
everyone is a winner, everyone gets a medal, everyone is awesome. It’s
all very fake and it is creating a generation of young adults who feel an
unmerited sense of entitlement and who are facing a rude awakening in the
real world.
parents and teachers who are trying to instil self-esteem in children
with unearned accolades have it backwards: Self-confidence does not come
from praise, from never saying one child is better than another at
anything. Self-confidence is built internally.
does not come from anything that can be taken away.
Your job,
your car, your house, your possessions, your money, your looks, your physical
or mental prowess, your partner, praise and admiration from others….all of
these things can be taken away.
can’t? Your personal qualities like honesty and integrity, your values,
your kindness, your discipline and hard work, your empathy. In short,
your character.
else is a castle build on sand. When the waves hit it and wash it away,
there is nothing left.
To use an
extreme example, prisoners of conscience sometimes survive because they
know that, even if they are vilified in the world around them, spit
on, despised, lied about, they know that they are acting in accordance with
their values. Most of us won’t face such trying conditions, but the
point is that building our self-confidence on personal qualities and
behaviours that are *completely within our control* is the ONLY way
to achieve genuine self-esteem.
If you
have low self-esteem, trying to fill the void where it should be can
become your sole objective in life. The constant care and feeding of
a fragile ego leads to a powerful self-absorption. You end up a
slave to a ravenous monster who controls you, who demands more and feels
sated for less time. You got the degree? Now get the job. You
got the job? Now get the raise, the promotion, the car, the house, the
hot spouse, the perfect kids, the perfect body…..and on and on. There is
nothing wrong with wanting any of those things; the problem comes when
your sense of self-worth is attached to whether you have them or not.
We’ve all seen rich, gorgeous, successful people who hate themselves.
Why, we think, they have everything you could want in life.
What could be missing? The answer is character.
It’s a
cliche that you can’t love anyone else until you love yourself.
But, like most cliches, it holds truth. If you don’t have
self-esteem, you can’t respect anyone who cares for you. And you cannot
love someone whom you do not respect - including yourself. You will also
be looking to the other person to increase your self-esteem — to make you
feel good about yourself from the outside. It works —
temporarily. But nothing on earth - NOTHING - replaces character.
And nothing is more attractive than character. Someone who
demonstrates genuine empathy, who lives by their own strong values, who is
honest, who behaves with integrity, is truly and deeply attractive.
Any other
kind of attraction - built on looks, accomplishments, money,
hero-worship, anything not an intrinsic personal quality - is fleeting and